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45 Neighbors meet to discuss future plans for NewTown
By Bobbie McCreary


January 14, 2006

Dear Sitnews,
I am a resident of the NewTown district of Ketchikan who is working with a group of interested community members to form the NewTown Historical District Neighborhood Association for the purpose of supporting development of this area true to our history.
Tuesday night, Jan 10th, residents and business owners met at the First Lutheran Church to discuss their wishes relating to plans for development of the historical area known as NewTown (directly NW of the tunnel).  Their comments are listed below.
In order to inform interested parties about the issues associated with this development a series of meetings open to all interested parties will be held at the First Lutheran Churchon Tuesday nights at 5:30pm. 
The next one on Jan 17th will discuss the current zoning of this area and the planning process.  For information call 225-0720.
A flyer announcing the event is attached. Click here
Bobbie McCreary
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: About: Roberta "Bobbie" McCreary has been a visitor to Ketchikan since the early 1990's; she has been a resident in the New Town neighborhood since 1998.

Comments from Ketchikan community members attending the January 10th meeting:

 Hopes for New Town

  • Honor the history of New Town
  • Provide Factual information on the develpments affecting New Town
  • Preserve the building called "Waterfron Storage"
  • Our town for us and then for the tourists
  • Preserve the historical setting of New Town (12 additional comments like this)
  • Maintain the qualities of our neighborhood that make it special
  • Discover approaches that benefit both businesses and private residents  (two additional comments)
  • Pay attention to parking issues in order to avoid parking problems
  • Renovate homes keeping them in their original style
  • Achieve historical preservation without imposing overly restrictive regulations
  • Don't let development get out of control
  • Create development guidelines that fit the area
  • Be proactive in achieving what we want - pull together
  • Dress up New Town preserving existing qualities (two additional comments)
  • Don't want to see businesses here that are boarded up in the winter time
  • More locally owned businesses
  • Preserve New Town as is (two additional comments)
  • Preserve the City Float as is (two additional comments)
  • Don't want City Hall to tell us what is going to happen here; we want to decide
  • No more gift shops
  • Good strong organization to advocate for preserving New Town
  • We want more of a voice in what happens in New Town
  • Apply fresh paint, but keep it charming
  • Fix it up but keep it funky; that is Alaska
  • Fix the roads
  • Proactive planning that includes all needs, all levels of income as has been done elsewhere
  • Concerned that property use regulations will be imposed that are not economically feasible
  • Retain the tourism industry




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Ketchikan, Alaska