SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



A true Hero
By Richard Wuensche


January 27, 2006

I am writting this so that the people of Ketchikan can know a little about the true HERO that died in this mishap. I grew up with Steve (Butch) Freeman in Huntsville Texas. We went through alot together as teens, some of it not so good.

I joined the Navy to be an Aviation Electronics Technician and lost contact with Butch. My Father informed me that Butch had joined the Marines and was an F-18 Pilot. I had heard about his Piloting Skills while performing his duties as a Flight Instructor through my father, and it is truly amazing that he survived his first invitation from our maker.

This Man is a true Hero and there is NO doubt in my mind that he gave his life for those on the ground.


Richard Wuensche
US Navy, Retired
E-mail: rwuensche[at]
Ft. Worth, TX - USA




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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska