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Tongass Unveils New Website


January 26, 2006
Thursday AM

Ketchikan, Alaska - The public has a new opportunity today to take part in management of the Tongass National Forest as the forest unveils a new website. The Forest Plan Adjustment site is chock-full of information related to the update of the 1997 Forest Plan.



The Forest Service is reviewing the Tongass Forest Plan to address a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in August 2005 that identified some procedural shortfalls associated with timber demand projections.

"We're examining our Forest Plan to determine the adjustments needed to comply with the court's decision," said Tongass National Forest Supervisor Forrest Cole. "The ruling also gives us a great opportunity to review and fine-tune other aspects of the plan to keep it up to date, ensuring the long-term ecosystem health of the Tongass and sustainability of southeast Alaska communities."

As part of the Forest Plan adjustment process, the Forest Service will be reviewing the plan's conservation strategy to see if improvements are needed. The strategy is the centerpiece of the plan, designed to protect the biological heart of the Tongass.

The current Forest Plan was originally adopted in 1997 and has been amended 24 times to date.

The public can view the new website at A link to the Conservation Strategy section is located on the Forest Plan Adjustment website, but people can also go directly to it at

"Fixing the items pointed out by the court will be time-consuming, but this website is a great tool for the public to stay well informed on our progress and to actively participate in the management of their forest," Cole added.



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Ketchikan, Alaska