![]() By Mike Isaac January 26, 2007
Also for any other tax increases that your city council or borough assembly may want to pass, it takes a 2/3 or 66.7% of the vote and the increases must go for something like a bridge or new school fox a stated numbers of years. You may have to do this statewide - Alaska is a RED STATE. Other states like Colorado have passed laws like Prop 13, so it can be done. However the LEFT and their comrades in the media will make up all kinds of lies about how this law will destroy the state, schools, roads, welfare programs and other social programs. They will launch personal attacks. The left also will point to California's public schools and try to blame Prop 13, when the truth is California would be running a surplus and have the best schools if we had a president that could secure our borders and put our troops on the southern border instead of that middle eastern meat grinder. That fool cost this state 10.9 billion a year on jailing and educating ILLEGALS but that another topic for another day. Anyway public office holders fear angry overtaxed property owners the most because they show up at the polls in greater numbers - and don't forget. And remember Ketchikan, you have the power to put this on the ballot by gathering a few signatures. Here is a link that may help http://www.hjta.org/ Mike Isaac About: "Ketchikan resident 1993-2002 and may still be there if you had fair property tax laws" and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Sitnews.