During the 2006 session, a KIC Tribal Council member had resigned to address a working opportunity outside of Ketchikan. The KIC Tribal Council subsequently advertised for candidates to fill the vacant seat. At a special Tribal Council meeting on September 14, 2006 the KIC Tribal Council elected Mr. David Jensen to fill the vacant seat. The issue regarding the vacancy of this seat for the 2007 elections came before the KIC Tribal Council on January 8th by a concerned KIC Tribal member. The letter and discussion brought before the KIC Tribal Council questioned where the membership's opportunity to vote for the vacant seat was, and furthermore interpreted the KIC Tribal Council's action of September 14, 2006 as an appointment. At this point the KIC Tribal Council asked for a legal opinion from KIC's attorney. The KIC Tribal Council convened an emergency special meeting on January 11, 2007 at 5:30 pm to review the attorney's opinion and listen to further comments from the membership. After a lengthy discussion amongst the Tribal Council members, with Mr. Jensen even offering to vacate the seat immediately out of respect for the KIC membership, the final decision of the KIC Tribal Council results in a fourth seat (1 year) open for the 2007 elections, and the candidate with the fourth highest vote count will fill the seat. Source of News & Election Information:
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