Replace Library Bus Stop Benches
By Carol Baines
January 07, 2008
Monday AM
Someone mentioned the word "bullies" in regard to
people complaining that the bus stop benches at the library were
removed. I think the bullies are the ones who decided to take
harsh action -- without fair warning -- by removing the benches
and thereby punishing everyone.
I'd like to make a couple of suggestions if I may:
1. Place a sign that warns of consequences of a fine and/or
imprisonment if alcoholic beverages are consumed or partying,
orgies, loitering, or whatever takes place there.
2. Install a camera, which someone else mentioned (with an audio
recorder to catch the perpetrator using foul language). Surveillance
cameras are used just about everywhere now anyway, so why not
place one there? In addition, the police station is just a couple
of blocks away from the bus stop.
I don't know why anyone would choose to go to the library bathroom
to vomit -- when there is a gutter, a trash receptacle, and a
creek in close proximity to the bus stop. If they did, they
should be required to clean it up. Perhaps additional cameras
in the bathrooms would be a good idea.
It makes a person wonder how the people that requested the benches
be removed can tolerate going south on vacation to the big cities
where there are REAL problems to deal with. In conclusion, if
I spent my working day observing what was going on outside on
the street/bus stop, I wouldn't keep my job very long.
Thank you.
Carol Baines
Ketchikan, AK
About: "Retired Medical
Received January 04, 2008 -
Published January 07, 2008
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