SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Low bidder on pool
By Charles Edwardson


January 25, 2010
Monday PM

When the city or borough looks for bids on many local jobs they have to pay for out of the budget we provide with taxes, they look for the low bidder, and claim procurement dictates low bidder wins. But on large capitol projects that the borough or city looks to acquire a bid for with money provided with bond issues and "play money", also ultimately provided with payment by (us) taxpayers, the low bid requirement seems to be manipulated some how, I.E. value engineering (Schoenbar), experience ratings (Schoenbar), references (Veneer Mill), job history (Third Ave by-pass), best in the business (ULTRA VIOLET WATER TREATMENT PLANT), blah, blah, blah. Anyone can write a good resume.

These judgment calls have yet to succeed, and historically these judgment calls by the respective governments seem to be the wrong one. This last one picking the highest bidder will be no different I fear. I must say individually each assembly member, city councilman is an outstanding citizen,, but collectively reminiscent of that arctic lemming documentary on the Discovery channel running towards the edge of a cliff as long as the lead lemming (management) is convinced of their direction. By golly why go against the grain, full speed ahead.

I have not written this publication for a while, and after being kind of sarcastic lately I'll probably cool it for a while, but the news reporting on city council and borough assembly decisions, begs for responses with their ridiculous headlines and decisions.

254-9000 if you want to call and put me in my place and educate me on these very complex issues.

Charles Edwardson
Ketchikan, AK

About: " I can't help myself I'm sitnews dependent & I have an addiction to sarcasm"

Received January 22, 2009 - Published January 25, 2010


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska