SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Senator Begich Sold Out the People
By Chris Herby


January 28, 2010
Thursday PM

I think it is imperative that Alaska voters remember the recent actions of Mark Begich if and when he seeks re-election to the US Senate. Mr. Begich clearly sold out on the people that elected him when he chose to follow the rest of the Democratic sheep in Washington in voting for the infamous Health Care bill. During his campaign he said time and time again that he would not simply vote along with the other tax and spend Democrats in Washington. We now know how good his promises are.

I personally don't feel as betrayed as I would if I had voted for him. It was very unfortunate how the voters in Alaska were manipulated by the witch hunt that led to Ted Stevens' wrongful conviction. But, even if that had not occurred, Alaska would most likely still be looking to elect a new Senator at the end of this term due to Ted's age. As we learned from Ted Stevens' extremely long career in the Senate, it is crucial for Alaska to elect someone who can keep the seat long term and build seniority. With seniority comes clout and with clout comes prosperity for Alaska.

At the end of Mark Begich's term we need to simply lick our wounds of electing the wrong person and put someone in office that will truly follow the wishes of Alaskans rather than simply vote along party lines regardless of the wishes of the people that put him there.

It appears to me that Alaskans are overwhelmingly opposed to this crazy, expensive, partisan health care bill and yet we had one of our senators vote for it. Even though he has several more years left in his term, I ask voters to put this one in their memory banks and elect a replacement for Mr. Begich when his term is up. We just need to admit we made a mistake, fix it, and move on.

Prior to closing, I would also like to thank Gabe Easterly for his wonderful letter remembering his father. I must say Gabe's letter moved me more than any letter I have read on Sit News before. I too was blessed enough to have a Dad that earned my never-ending love and respect.


Chris Herby
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Ketchikan business owner for over 25 years."

Received January 26, 2009 - Published January 28, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska