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RE: Alaska State Trooper Bashing
By Art Bailly


January 05, 2011
Wednesday PM

Wow Mr. Willis, it sounds like you're one of those troopers.

1. What does this have to do with a vehicle accident (Vehicle in the ditch and icy road conditions)? Don’t try to change the subject. One has nothing to do with the other.

RE: How is it the fault of the Alaska State Troopers for a 16 year old delinquent girl that has no self discipline or personal morals and requires RYC custody for behavior training?  

2. Same as above, this has nothing to do with the lack of State Troopers not assisting people in need at Ward Lake. The other 16 year old girls were doing what the troopers should have been doing.

RE: The Alaska State Troopers did not raise her. Her problem is not a law enforcement issue. Plain and simple, if you cannot raise your kid to be a respectable citizen, who is at fault? It's not the State Troopers. Keep your private business private and don't bash Alaska's Troopers because your 16 year old is a delinquent.

3. You’re right the troopers are not responsible for anyone controlling their vehicle but when they lose control for what ever the reason it's their job to assist people in need and to gain control of the accident scene and ensure the safety of everyone involved until the situation is remedied, not just say it's not our responsibility and leave the scene. Oh, and the drop everything comment hmm, yeah right they were too busy driving by but they didn’t have time to stop and do their job. If they had stopped and had assisted and then left because they had a higher priority incident happening then ok, but that was not the case and a pretty poor excuse to keep driving by to keep patrolling and not assist people in need. They're the ones trained to handle the situation not the 16 year old girls who seem to do a better job than the trooper.

RE: As for the lady in the Ditch at Ward Cove: Call a tow Truck next time. The Troopers are not responsible for your failure to maintain control of your vehicle. There were no injuries. The Troopers are not tasked with dropping everything and driving out to hold your hand while you are in the Ditch. If you were injured, you could have called 911 and you would have had all the attention you needed.

4. I say bash the heck out of the trooper that didn’t do his job. If it were my family out there and the trooper didn’t do his job I would do the same as the others that posted here and would have got his name and badge number and filed a compliant with his supervisors. This trooper was not respectable at all towards his fellow citizens otherwise he would of got his lazy butt out of his seat and took control of a situation that could have turned out a lot worse if the people that were flagging other cars down and telling them to not go down that same road -- and maybe hitting another car, someone else in the road trying to get their vehicle unstuck, or go in the ditch themselves. Plan and simple the Trooper didn’t do what we pay him to do and even more disturbing to me is as a person he didn’t even stop and help people in need.

RE: Alaska State Troopers are a highly respectable Law Enforcement agency. Don't Bash the Alaska State Troopers over your own personal problems!

Art Bailly
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Ketchikan resident 11 years"

Received January 05, 2010 - Published January 05, 2011


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letter Alaska State Trooper Bashing By Scott Willis

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Ketchikan, Alaska