SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Revilla Road Problems
By Ken Arriola


January 07, 2011
Friday AM

A couple of things; the front page photos submitted by locals are incredible, simply the best, one of the reasons I look forward to logging-on daily to Sitnews, much more interesting than that other publication, keep those photos coming.

Personally, and without knowing the exact details, I'm willing to cut the State Troopers some slack on this Ward Lake/Revilla road issue, since jurisdiction on that road has been an ongoing bone of contention. And, as a result, it doesn't surprise me that a level of frustration may exist on the State Troopers' part.

Citizens who are and have had less than satisfactory encounters with Law Enforcement, particularly regarding the Ward Lake (Revilla) road issue, I'd encourage you to voice your complaints, comments and concerns to the Alaska Dept of Transportation & Public Facilities (AKDOT/PF) in Juneau, here's why.

This winter conditions road problem is a result of AKDOT/PF cutting the funding and staff for road maintenance in Ketchikan several years ago, sighting budget constraints. Well, one can understand that, but do you think that the roads in Juneau aren't being maintained year round?

It's a widely accepted that Ketchikan is and always has been regarded as the "Red Headed Step Child" by the echelons in Anchorage and our State's Capitol, we along with other SE communities get what's left only after the Bourgeoisie "have had their fill".

Is it fair? try to convince them. But, unless Juneau hears from us lesser-equals it's the "out of sight out of mind" syndrome they seem to be afflicted with.

I say, in addition to petitioning our representatives, barrage AKDOT/PF with e-mails daily until they give us back our road maintenance, since the Ward Lake recreation area is the most widely used year-round. Why should it always take a catastrophe to get someone's attention.

Aside from that the only other comment I'll make is that there is a NO MAINTENANCE sign posted on Revilla road. And, until this issue is resolved, we all should act accordingly.


Ken Arriola
Ketchikan, AK



Received January 06, 2010 - Published January 07, 2011



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska