SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Will of the people?
By Charles Edwardson


January 25, 2011
Tuesday PM

Rep. Kyle Johansen is disappointed in us! He strongly disagrees with our efforts to "thwart the will of the people"! Johansen has been in Juneau too long if this is what he believes.

What about our disappointment? The "will of the people" for our representative was that he remain in the majority leadership. The "will of the people" was for Johansen to think of his actions before he took them. The "will of the people" was not to make a laughing stock out of this district. The "will of the people" will be made apparent again with the recall.

Regarding disappointment, the long and short term effects of this disappointing action should not be about Johansen's feelings, it should be about us, the disappointment of the people who put him there.

Charles Edwardson
Ketchikan, AK


Received January 25, 2010 - Published January 25, 2011



Johansen vows to fight recall effort

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska