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KIC Tribal Council Swears In New Members & Elects Executives


January 26, 2012

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - Ketchikan Indian Community performed their post-election swearing in ceremony Monday night in the Tribal Council Chambers.  The first order of business was to certify the election results which were passed by unanimous consent.

jpg KIC Tribal Council Swears In New Members & Elects Executives

Swearing in of Council Members
Left to Right:  Rob Sanderson, Jr., Delores Churchill,
Normal Arriola (Tribal Council President), Andre LeCornu, Donna Frank
Photo courtesy KIC©

Taking the oath of office were newly elected Council members Andre LeCornu and Delores Churchill along with incumbents Rob Sanderson and Donna Frank.  The newly elected Advisory Health Board members were then sworn in.  In the past Health Board members were appointed by the Tribal Council but membership requested a return to selecting them by popular vote.  Taking their seat on the Advisory Health Board were Martha Johnson, Cecelia Johnson and Delma Inman.  The fourth vacant seat will be filled at a later time.

jpg KIC Advisory Health Board

Advisory Health Board
Left to Right:  Martha Johnson, Cecelia Johnson, Delma Inman
and Nora DeWitt (Saxman Health Board Representative)
Photo courtesy KIC©

After all Council and Health Board members were sworn in came the task of electing officers to lead the council for the next year.  By secret ballot Norman Arriola, who had served as President for the past four years, was replaced by Irene Dundas.  There was a surprising change for Vice-President.  Verna Hudson, who had served in that capacity on the Tribal Council for the many years, was replaced by Rob Sanderson Jr.  Joe Reeves will continue as Treasurer.  Donna Frank was nominated along with Reeves for that position but withdrew her nomination leaving Reeves as the only candidate for the position.

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Executive Committee
Left to Right: Rob Sanderson, Jr., Irene Dundas, Joe Reeves, and Andre LeCornu
Photo courtesy KIC©

The position of Secretary drew two nominations and was decided by a flip of a coin after two rounds of voting both candidates received an equal number of votes.  Donna Frank and new council member Andre LeCornu were deadlocked at four votes each.   When it became evident no one was going to change their vote, President Arriola flipped a coin after asking Frank to choose heads or tails.  She chose heads and the coin toss came up tails securing the position of Secretary for LeCornu.

Several members spoke prior to the swearing in ceremony encouraging the Tribal Council to address certain issues while some simply offered good luck in the coming year. 


Source of News & Photographs: 

Ketchikan Indian Community


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Ketchikan, Alaska

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