By Marvin Seibert
January 06, 2013
Some recent fact about the climate in Alaska...
I know these facts fly in the face of the global warmers but real-science must be taken seriously. We do not need people running around like Chicken Little putting forth the idea that the sky is falling. We do not need to go from one crisis to another, we just need to lead normal lives and conserve when it is convenient and economical. We all want clean air and water and not do damage to the environment, we just don't need to be in crisis mode every minute of the day. Life is too short not to enjoy it and our wonderful planet that we inhabit! Marvin Seibert About:"I currently live in Colorado and will be re-locating to the beautiful state of Alaska in the very near future." Received January 03, 2012 - Published January 06, 2012 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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