SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

By Pete Ellis


January 06, 2013
Sunday AM

The following quote from a Hanger commentary certainly deals with the problem but fails to suggest a solution:

"RIPOFF By David G. Hanger - The price for gasoline in Ketchikan is more than $1 per gallon over the national average and 80 cents per gallon over the state average; in Metlakatla those same numbers are more than $1.50 per gallon and at the state level $1.30 per gallon.  Either the wholesale distributors of gasoline in Ketchikan think they have an unlimited license to steal, or they are the most incompetent business managers in the state and in the nation. ....."

Perhaps Hanger would like to reflect upon the potential and feasibility of a co-op to create a competitive atmosphere and a local outlet.  Co-op members to invest $100.00 each with a minimum membership of 1,000 for minimum capitalization?

Pete Ellis
Ketchikan, AK


Received January 04, 2012 - Published January 06, 2012

Related Viewpoints:

letter RIPOFF By David G. Hanger



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska