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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

The FairTax
By Wilton Jere Tidwell


January 17, 2013
Thursday AM

Since 1999, every session of congress has had a bill introduced that would cancel all the petty Federal Taxes we Americans have been punished with. With Federal State and Local taxes, I paid out a minimum of 63% of all my income to one taxing body or another. That was the ones I wrote checks for, but does not include the hidden tax of about 25% that manufacturers have added into the products they sell and sales taxes, gasoline taxes and other taxes and tolls. It is estimated that we are only able to spend 25% of our gross incomes as we need goods and services to survive. the IRS spends one of seven dollars sent to the IRS, doing what they do. That would raise tax revenues about 14% if the IRS disappeared and along with the evaders tax revenues could go up as much as 35% without the current taxpayers adding any more to their tax load.

The only reason we cannot get the FairTax even voted on falls squarely onto the politicians who need to tinker with the IRS Code in order to milk campaign contributions from taxpayers they favor with tax breaks the rest of us never know existed.

Here is the route the money takes. Politician can change tax law, lobbyist knows this and offers a generous campaign contribution, politician changes it so only that contributor gets the tax break, then on to the next campaign contributor. Some of the old politicians drained their campaign fund by putting every distant relative on their payroll.

This corrupt system needs changing and the FairTax is the only change that will minimize corruption and do away with career politicians keeping office forever.

Wilton Jere Tidwell
wjeretidwell [at]
Huntley, IL

About: "I have been an advocate for the FairTax, since before it had a name. I wrote my first letter to my congressional representative and my senators, in 1985 advocating the repeal of the 16nth amendment and repeal of all Federal Tax Laws and passing a national sales tax. In the 1990's it got the Name FairTax and being the most researched taxing system in the world, it should be passed. "

Received January , 2013 - Published January 17, 2013



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Ketchikan, Alaska