SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Thank You From the Ketchikan Homless Shelter
By Gary Boatwright on Behalf of the Ketchikan Homeless Shelter Board of Directors


January 25, 2013
Friday AM

Dear Sitnews Editor:

As the members of the Board of Directors of the Ketchikan Homeless Shelter, (PATH), we would like to take this opportunity to thank the people of Ketchikan for their continued generosity to the homeless in our community. 

Many people gave food and cleaning supplies to our shelter during our annual food drive. Thank you to each one of those donors.  Whether your donation was large or small, it helped the homeless. We don’t know all of your names or we would thank you individually. For those people that have just anonymously dropped food and other donations off during the rest of the year we thank you as well.

Many others gave our program monetary grants, cash donations, services, food donations, and human comfort items such as coats, blankets and sleeping bags.  We would like to thank the following donors.  If we have forgotten your name, please know, we do thank you.

Thank you to:

The City of Ketchikan

Ketchikan Pest Control

Bruce & Yvonna Christensen

Boyer Towing

Alaskan & Proud Market

Judith & Barry Christensen

The Local Paper


Island Pharmacy Staff

Aurora Tours

Ketchikan Indian Community

The Young Family

Church of the Nazarene 

Mike & Marcella Wisnewski 

Ketchikan High School Student Body & Staff



Richard Foley

American Legion

Key Bank

Linda Horstman

Holland Cruise Lines 

Gordon Patterson

Brien, Angela & Tessa Salazar

Madison Hardware

Agnes Royer

Stuart Whyte

The Democratic Party

Linda Newton

Charlene & Garnet Dima

The Lutheran Church

Julie Slanaker

Kathy Bolling

United Way

Wendy Miles

Julie & Mark Hutson

Liberty Tax

Greg Middag

Clare Bennett

Coastal Realty

Robert & Traci Grace

Karen Pitcher                                   

Tyler Rental 

Bob Weinstein 

Randy Johnson


Susan Romero 

Janet Engle 

Diversified Investments 

Wayne Jackson 

Maida Marksheffel

Knutson Cove Marina 

Rick Boyd

Elena & Mike Rath

The Landing

Kay Key & Nick Hashagen

Kathy Evans


Sharon Geldaker & Stan Berntson


Submitted by:

Gary Boatwright
Ketchikan Homeless Shelter
On Behalf of the Ketchikan Homeless Shelter Board of Directors
Ketchikan, AK


Received January24 , 2013 - Published January 25, 2013



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska