SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Fire likely caused by electric space heater


January 07, 2014
Tuesday PM

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - In what was described as a difficult fire by Ketchikan Fire Chief Frank Share, there were fortunately no injuries to residents or firefighters. Although the cause of the home fire at 341 Edmonds Street on Saturday, is still under investigation, Chief Share said in an email Monday the fire is believed to have been caused by an electric space heater.

jpg Photograph by Aleta Utterback ©2014

Homes on each side of the burning home were saved as the result of extra efforts and timely response by Ketchikan firefighters.
Photograph by Aleta Utterback ©2014

Vanessa Robertson, owner of the residence, was not home at the time. Her home was completely destroyed by the fire and two other homes in the area were damaged. Chief Share said the lone occupant, who was sleeping at the time in the home, narrowly escaped.

Chief Share said, " I would like to say that the crews did an absolutely outstanding job. Without the extra effort and short response time on this very difficult fire, we most certainly would have lost the other two homes."

jpg Ketchikan fire...

341 Edmonds Street fire
Photograph by Charles Haberbush ©2014

Located on a hillside with wooden stair access added to the difficultly with fighting the fire. Chief Share said the Ketchikan Police Department provided traffic assistance and crowd control as there were numerous people who were observing the fire fighting efforts throughout the day.

Chief Share said the fire call came in at 9:30 Saturday morning. "We had 41 responders from all three departments. City fire responded with 2 Engines, 1 ladder truck, 1 rescue, 2 medic units, and 2 command rigs. South Tongass responded with an engine and North Tongass provided rehab." The other fire departments responding were the North Tongass Volunteer Fire Department and the South Tongass Volunteer Fire Department.

An unidentified responder fighting the fire from Moran's white house, one to the two homes saved, located next door to the burning home.
Photograph by Jim Lewis ©2014

Share said, "We were at the scene until 5:00 Saturday afternoon providing tarps and salvage operations and putting out a few small hot spots."

Chief Share said there were no smoke detectors in the home and is asking that everyone check their smoke detectors. He added, if you can not afford a smoke detector, go to your local fire department and ask for one.


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska

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