Why the 2nd amendment is NOT the most important.By Christian Peters January 14, 2015
I believe the first amendment is the most important simply because it secures more rights than the second. The first amendment secures 5 important natural rights that we have endowed from our creator, whereas the 2nd amendment only secures two rights, one for the states and one for the people. See, if the government was not obligated to recognize the first amendment; you could be forced to believe something else, not be able to speak about said rights, not be able to write about said rights, not be allowed to assemble (mainly to talk and persuade people about a belief), and then if the government were to begin trampling on these rights, your petition to government would not be recognized either. Well yes the government still tramples on rights and yes it is common sense that we have these rights whether they are written down on paper or not; but as far as the founding fathers are concerned I believe the reason they wrote them in the order they are in is because of importance. Christian Peters
Received January 14, 2015 - Published January 15, 2015 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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