State Legislators Solemn Duty, to Protect Citizens from the Federal LeviathanBy Tamara Colbert January 14, 2015
We, the People, are on the cusp of history and the question before us, as our legislators are sworn in this week to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this state, so help me God.” Legislators hold the specific constitutional power to enter into an amending convention with the other states to rein in an out of control federal government. Article V tells YOU—the legislator, that it is your duty to protect citizens from an abusive federal government. Our nation hangs in the balance and our state legislatures are the last firewall of defense to protect citizens from a growing federal state. Tamara Colbert About: Talk radio host, speaker, writer, producer, and champion of all-things America, # Constitution #Teaparty Granddaughter (12th Gen.) Captain Miles Standish. Received January 13, 2015 - Published January 15, 2015 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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