Time for an Article V Amending Convention of StatesBy Jeff Kroyer January 26, 2015
America is currently under attack. This time it is from within our borders and from many of our fellow citizens. Our constitution is being trampled upon by many people, from the President, Congressional Leaders and Supreme Court Justices. The abuse of Executive Decrees by the president, as well as the irresponsible and reckless spending by the federal government, has us on the road to perdition as a nation. Fortunately, our nation’s founders had the foresight to leave us an escape hatch to fix this problem. Article V of the constitution provides the means for the states to collectively join force and regain control of the federal government. As Mark Levin, Radio Talk Show Host said in an interview on CNSNews.com’s Online With Terry Jeffrey, “The federal government, Congress, the Supreme Court, the president, the bureaucracy, they are not going to reform themselves, they are not going to limit their activities. Only we can--through our state representatives from the bottom up.” This is not an easy feat however, and requires the collective effort of all concerned citizens to demand this action be taken by their state Representative and state Senator. I encourage everyone who is concerned about our runaway federal government, to visit www.conventionofstates.com and sign the petition calling for an Article V Convention. Jeff Kroyer Received January 21, 2015 - Published January 26, 2015 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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