GOP & NRA SupporterBy Jim Dornblaser January 11, 2016
In short, I am offended! - - but no one cares, no news headlines, because I am white & Christian, ie: the working class that gets to pay the major tax bill for our self serving bureaucratic governing group. Mr. Obama , with his tearful Hollywood style performance, has tried to target one symptom of our free society, while ignoring the real cause of violence. We are supposed to, in a free society to be held responsible for what we did, not what we MIGHT do. I have owned at least one gun for over 65 years & in that time not one of them has ever assaulted anyone! The main problem is our Gov.'s total blind eye turned toward this country's mental health needs. Any of our law enforcement personal,(God Bless our servants in blue) can tell the story of them dealing with the emotionally disturbed on the street without adequate professional training. & SOOO - I say, Mr. Obama, (and all or any of his supporters) PLEASE redirect your efforts to fix the problem instead of just "mess'en" with the main stream law abiding. Jim Dornblaser About: "A white American male, that takes offense at 'name calling & ridicule'." Received January 09, 2016 - Published January 11, 2015
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