SEVENTY-EIGHT MILLION DOLLARSBy David G Hanger January 16, 2017
Since this project began aggregate inflation has been well under 20%, so these kind of cost overruns are not justifiable. Nor are they sustainable. At best this is incompetence to the maximum degree. More likely it is dishonesty, and in this regard I call for an immediate and comprehensive audit of everything spent on this project, down to the last dime. Look particularly for kickbacks from materials suppliers. How much of this money is in a small handful of bank accounts belonging to certain favored individuals? Is it $10 million, $20 million, or $30 million? Do not tell me there have not been massive rake-offs with this project. Prove it. The only other possibility, of course, is the whole bidding process is a corrupt scam; either a lie by the politicians to get what they want despite the real cost, or a rigged deal designed to insure only preferred bids and bidders are considered. Or both. Combine this with Amylon’s museum fiasco, and this arrogant fool has just run through $36 million of your money without any voter approval at all. Nothing less than this town is now at stake, folks. Between Ketchikan City Manager Amylon and this nut job of a Governor you are not going to have a wallet left if you continue to live here. David G Hanger Received January 16, 2017 - Published January 16, 2017
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