Oppressive income tax codeBy Joe O'Hara January 16, 2017
To aid in effectively "draining the swamp" - as proposed by our new president - Amendment 16 must be repealed and the IRS income tax replaced with a national sales tax - the FAIRtax - that taxes spending rather than income. BigSolution.org demonstrates how the nonpartisan FAIRtax is economically superior to the existing IRS tax system and other tax plans. And, since those other plans do not first repeal Amendment 16, they are merely fresh-coats-of-paint on an already broken IRS system. Congress has not yet addressed eliminating the IRS tax code. Instead, they keep it in place too influence and reward special interest groups, and lobbyists. But now we have a new administration and the door is opening to allow Congress to repeal and replace the income tax, thereby granting all Americans long-overdue freedom from the convoluted IRS income tax, and a pathway too economic prosperity. Joe O'Hara Received January 16, 2017 - Published January 16, 2017
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