SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Don't be manipulated

By Thomas Scott


January 31, 2017
Tuesday AM

As I was walking out of Walmart Thursday, in the area that you would kick the snow off your boots and grab a shopping cart, there was this young lady in a very animated conversation with an older lady. As I got closer, I could hear that she had been involved with the Woman's March down in Homer, and I thought, "good for her, she's obviously very passionate about this and she's expressing herself" A few more steps and I'm around her and heading out the door when I hear her say," I'm so mad about this, if I was 18, I would have denounced my citizenship at the end of that walk".

In two steps I was right back in front of her, I set my bags down and grabbed my phone, I said I would show her the link to the paperwork to denounce her citizenship AND even offered to print it out for her for free if she would only do me one favor, and that was when she was done filling it out, she take her paperwork to a veteran, or a veteran's family, or a VFW hall, and sign it. Sign it in front of them.....

Take a trip to France, there are beaches there, and they have names. Names like Omaha, Normandy and Hell... Walk out into that cold north Atlantic surf, so cold it makes your bones hurt, and there, surrounded by the souls of a thousand good men, cut your passport up and throw the pieces as as far as you can and watch as they sink out of sight. Think about those men, think about them standing in those boats, they were cold, sick and scared as hell. They didn't want to die that day, but when that door dropped ,they did what, as a nation, we asked them to do. As the German machine gun bullets started tearing through them, they RAN off those boats and jumped into those cold Atlantic waters, they ran towards those machine guns and an almost certain death.

So show those men, show them how you can so carelessly denounce and cast aside what they gave everything for to give to you.

I don't care what party lines you voted on, that's your business, not mine, but to the parents, guardians, teachers of that young lady, you make me sick.

I'll wrap this up with a few thoughts for the younger generations. Be responsible for your own thoughts and actions, make up your own minds and come to your own conclusions. Be aware that the people with the most extreme opinions on either side of an issue are typically just trying to get as many people behind them as they can by manipulating them with bent truths or in many, many situations, flat out lies, and they tend to target younger, more naive generations. So don't drink the punch, and please, above all else, please remember those men on that terrible morning so long ago. They could have run away from the guns to save their own lives, but they didn't, they ran towards those guns to save yours!

Thomas Scott
Homer, Alaska

Received January 26, 2017 - Published January 31, 2017


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