Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Never Trump
By Robert B. Holston, Jr.
January 13, 2018
Saturday AM
I have a brother in Montana who is a “never Trumper”. I wrote him months ago saying I would not defend Trump on a daily basis for things this president says because I didn’t need a full time job, but his recent “DACA/Defecation” remark prompts me to defend Trump, just a bit, and warn the “never Tumpers” just a bit.
Is Trump guilty of being crass? Absolutely. Should he have referred to the countries around the globe creating the highest rate of immigration pressure to the US as “3rd World countries” instead of S*** hole countries. Yes. However the left wing liberal nuts seizing this opportunity to denounce the president as a bigot, racist, xenophobe, supremacist, unfit to hold the office, etc. are way off base.
One left wing-nut on CNN, said of Trump’s remarks, ”Trump should take a close look at who makes this country great... it’s the immigrants from these s*** hole countries who are ... cleaning his (Trump’s) hotel rooms, picking fruit and vegetables, mowing the lawns, taking out the garbage...” YIKES! If Trump had said those exact words the left wing media would jump all over him for being a bigot, racist, xenophobe, supremacist, unfit to hold the office.
Would I prefer a president who didn’t use the F * * * word, the P * * * * word, the S * * * word????? Yes of course. Should we pass a law that people who use these words should not be allowed to be president????? I think not. I don’t give Trump a “pass” on this. He is guilty of being crass, perhaps an A**rhymes with, but neither does this make him a bigot or a racist.
Can we have a civil discussion regarding a county’s education level, literacy rate, crime rate, economic development, etc regarding possible immigration policy and DACA, without it becoming a contest on who uses the language of bigotry and racism or are we too afraid of offending someone and simply just pussyfoot around the edges of a controversial topic?
Rob Holston
Ketchikan, Alaska
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received January 12, 2017
- Published January 13, 2018
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