Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Exploitation of ancient tradition
By Rosita Kaahani Worl
January 22, 2018
Monday PM
It has come to our attention that the group, Dance of the Deer Foundation, is planning a shamanism retreat in Juneau, the ancient homeland of the Auk people of Aak’w K?wáan, and that you are charging a substantial fee for this experience.
This is another form of appropriation from Native cultures and societies that began with the taking of our lands and our ceremonial and sacred objects, and now our spiritual practices. Shamans played an important role in our societies in caring for the welfare of the tribe. Shamanism was not a commercial enterprise. This is a violation of a most sacred tradition of Native peoples. We support the people who have called your practices an exploitation of their people’s ancient traditions and we request that you not come into Aak’w Kwáan.
Rosita Kaahani Worl, Ph.D.
Tlingit of the Ch’áak’ moiety, Shangukeidí Clan, House Lowered from the Sun
Sealaska Heritage Institute
Juneau, Alaska
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received January 19, 2017
- Published January 22, 2018
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