Inconsiderate and irresponsible dumpingBy Jerry Cegelske January 24, 2018
Construction debris is charged a nominal fee. I was glad to see that the largest area of the dog park had been fenced in and that the group has been working on their dream of a safe place to let their dogs run loose. To those who have worked so hard and continue to do so “Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and continuing efforts”. What I was disappointed to see was the results of the inconsiderate and irresponsible people that insist of dumping their trash because they are too lazy to take it to the landfill for disposal. They continue to degrade the work of others who are trying to benefit the Ketchikan community through their hard work. These inconsiderate people who expect others to clean up their messes cost the responsible community members time and money in cleaning up their trash when they could be doing things more beneficial for the community. There are so many needs in this community that people could direct their time and efforts to, rather than spend their time cleaning up after these inconsiderate slobs. Those with knowledge of people dumping trash in the Borough may contact the Code Enforcement Officer at 907-228-6621 Jerry Cegelske
About: Jerry Cegelske is the Code Enforcement Officer with the Ketchikan Gateway Borough.
Editor's Note:
Received January 24, 2017 - Published January 24, 2018 Related Viewpoint:
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