Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Vote for Donna Frank
Kathleen Yarr
January 18, 2019
Friday PM
Dear Editor
I have known Donna Frank since 1987. I hired her to work on the KIC Welfare Reform program in 1994 when I was the Director of Social Services.
Donna was an excellent employee. She was trustworthy, flexible, curious, ethical, a good listener, open to feedback and suggestions, eager to try new approaches to solve problems and to improve policies and the KIC system, and fun to work with! She was a true team player, a quick study and honest.
Donna also had excellent work habits and got along well with the other staff. She worked her way up quickly and later held executive positions both at KIC as well as at Cape Fox. During her employment in KIC Finance, she oversaw grants and audits and earned her B.A. in Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance. At Cape Fox Corporation she became a Certified Fraud Examiner. Donna also has an acute understanding of Human Resources, and years of experience in organizational management and leadership.
Donna is a past KIC Tribal Council and Health Advisory Board member. With Donna's experience on so many levels at KIC, I am urging my family, and all KIC tribal members to vote for her. Donna would bring an institutional history and perspective to the Council. Please vote for vote Donna Frank on January 21, 2019!
Kathleen Yarr
Ketchikan, Alaska
About: Kathleen Yarr's family are all KIC tribal members. She worked for the tribe off and on for 17 years.
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received January 15, 2019
- Published January 18, 2019
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