Think for yourselfBy Mike Holman
January 16, 2020
Ketchikan is changing. When was it not? Fishing, ever important, has had its ups and downs. Timber, the pulp mill, oil, the shipyard, the ferry system . . . The cruise ships started out small in small numbers. Now they are big, getting bigger and coming in greater numbers. At first the ships were greeted. Now, not so much. Through it all Ketchikan has prospered. It enjoys services and amenities far beyond other towns our size. For a time oil paid the bill. Now what? We did not pay for all these things in cash. There is a mortgage with payments due for years to come. Fishermen cannot bear this burden alone. It is a debt which must be borne by those who are still working. Who will employ them? Where will the money come from? Don’t buy it? OK I don’t either, not entirely. But before you put your head in the sand read up on the happenings in Nassua and Freeport in the Bahamas, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Antigua and elsewhere throughout the Caribbean. It’s never good to take too much for granted. Just when it gets good, things can go haywire. And then, if you don’t step back, it sometimes gets worse. Nostalgia becomes a refuge, or envy. Ketchikan – be careful. Think for yourself. Don’t put your future in the hands of others. Take responsibility. Do your homework. Be proud. Remain independent. Offer a better product at a better price and you will never run out of customers. And remember ole’ Heraclitus from time to time. Yes, he was a misanthrope but he did say one thing which will always be true. Mike Holman
Editor's Note:
Received January 13, 2019 - Published January 16, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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