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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Cripple Iran's Strategic Weapons 

By Donald Moskowitz


January 25, 2020
Saturday PM

In a New Hampshire Union Leader oped  Dr. Jessica Tuchman Mathews described why the Trump administration should continue the Iranian nuclear agreement. She delved into the value of the agreement and how the U.S. and the world were relatively safe from a nuclear attack by Iran for 15 years if the agreement remained in force. This was terrible thinking.

Dr. Mathews and other proponents of the agreement believed the international surveillance program designed to monitor Iran's compliance with the agreement would ensure Iran could not develop its nuclear arms program. This was a theoretical fantasy. Iran hides its nuclear weapons development activities from international surveillance systems, and Iran continues to expand its nuclear arsenal. Thankfully, President Trump exited the agreement.

Iran is a primary sponsor of radical Islamic terrorism. It wants to spread its virulent anti-Western Islamic Fascism throughout the Middle East, and Iran and its proxies are threatening and attacking our military forces in the region.  

President Trump should continue sanctions against Iran to cripple its strategic weapons programs, and we need more defensive systems and offensive firepower in the Middle East to deter Iran from attacking U.S. forces and partners and interests in the region.

Donald Moskowitz
Londonderry, NH



Editor's Note:

The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.

Received January 16, 2019 - Published January 25, 2020

Related Viewpoint:



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