American GovernmentBy Hannah Ramiskey
January 30, 2020
I was shocked to hear that a Ketchikan School Board member has contacted administers and teachers of the school district to gauge their reaction to eliminating a semester of American Government in the district curriculum. Then students were asked how they felt about that and would they rather take subjects that were more interesting to them? Wow, from the beginning of this country, our Republic has survived because it depends on educated voters to maintain our freedoms. Even in 1776 there were lots of newspapers and citizens reading the news to those who couldn’t. No matter what side of any issue we are on, everyone should know what is in the Constitution and related documents to allow us to weed out that which is not accurate. And, with twenty-four- hour news on television and on line, someone has to fill the time – every second. Talking heads grab each story, true or false, to engage the public and an agitated public is great for ratings. It also makes for constant conflict as the nation becomes more divided. Public schools should educate their students in World History, American History, and about the American Government and its Constitution which is the basis of all our laws --- and our protections from said government. Kayhi has among the lowest required graduation credits in the state and our seniors will be eligible to vote this year or next. Don’t we want informed students to lead the country? Please press the School Board on this issue. It’s important. Raising graduation stats is desirable, but graduates with a good education should always be the goal. Hannah Ramiskey About:
Editor's Note:
Received January 30, 2019 - Published January 30, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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