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Alaska Legislature asks Canadian and United States Governments to drop vaccination requirement for truckers


January 23, 2022
Sunday AM

(SitNews) - In a letter  to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a bipartisan group of the Alaska State Legislature is calling on the Canadian  government to waive the COVID-19 vaccination mandate for United States truck drivers crossing the Canadian border.
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Since Jan. 15, 2022, U.S. truck drivers who choose to be unvaccinated are being denied entry into Canada. Previously, Canada allowed unvaccinated essential workers to cross the border into Canada from the U.S. as not to interrupt the supply  chain. The U.S. planned to implement a similar vaccination mandate for Canadian freight drivers Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022. Both countries face exacerbated shortages of food and other essential supplies due to vaccine mandates and driver shortages. 

“The vaccination mandate imposed on truck drivers will have devastating consequences for Alaskans,” said Rep. Ken McCarty (R-Eagle Rive), who spearheaded the letter to Prime Minister Trudeau. “In most stores, Alaskans walk by bare shelves that used to hold food, auto parts and building materials. The strained supply chain drives up prices and adversely affects the livelihoods of Alaskans which depends on the flow of goods supplied by truckers crossing the Canadian border.”

In a forthcoming letter, members of the Alaska State Legislature are also asking President Joe Biden to rescind the vaccination requirement for truckers entering the United States. Approximately 70 percent of the $648 billion in trade between Canada and the U.S. moves by truck, according to the Canadian Trucking Alliance. 

The American Truckers Association and the Canadian Truckers Association have both argued that because drivers are usually isolated from the public, they have lower rates of coronavirus infection and pose little risk to public health. The Alaska Trucking Association opposes the vaccine requirement for freight drivers.

“Alaskans cherish our cooperative relationship with our Canadian neighbors,” said Senator Shelley Hughes (R-Palme)r, who is leading the request to inform President Biden to lift the vaccination requirement at the United States border. “The transportation of goods between and through our lands is vital and beneficial to both Alaskans and Canadians and should continue uninterrupted. 

It is essential that the Canadian and United States governments waive the vaccination requirement for freight drivers passing through  Canada to Alaska before food shortages and lack of other essential goods become a crisis.”

On the Web:

01/19/22 letter  to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (pdf)

Edited By: Mary Kauffman, SitNews

Source of News:

Alaska Senate Majority

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