Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Senior Discount Day
By Michael Curtiz Fletcher
January 23, 2023
Ketchikan Safeway is removing the Senior Day discount on Thursdays? Really? You do know that Seniors are on a fixed income and some of us must live on a fixed income.
Continue the Senior discount days on Thursdays indefinitely. The program could run on the first and third Thursday of a given month instead of one. Please do the right thing.
Michael Curtiz Fletcher
Ketchikan, Alaska
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was briefly edited by the SitNews Editor for clarification in the first paragraph adding the text 'live on a fixed income'.
Opinions expressed are solely those of the writers and do
not necessarily represent the opinions of Sitnews.
Received January 10, 2023- Published January 17, 2023
Related Viewpoint:

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