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Magazine Sales Scam Concern
by Jan Alsup


February 21, 2005

The concern for magazine salespeople is very real. A friend in Oregon has a son who had been selling magazines with a group for many months, traveling the west coast and up into the Anchorage area. He had a falling out with the leadership and quit. He had a return air ticket to Seattle, or so he thought. When he went to the airport, the ticket had somehow been cancelled (probably never was one) and he had no money to get home, let alone buy food and lodging until money could be wired from his parents. It seems all they make goes into their food and lodging and if they leave they are on their own with no money for all the work they have done.

This is the second time I have known people personally who were involved in this type of scheme -- the other young man called his parents in a panic begging for a bus ticket home. He felt lucky to just get away from these people.

Jan Alsup
Ketchikan, AK - USA



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska