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"Perfect Candidate"
By Noam Ploomb


February 27, 2008
Wednesday PM

Mark Neckameyer's tongue-in-cheek letter regarding Fidel Castro as the "perfect" choice for a Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate brings up some questions.

Mr. Neckameyer, are you against Americans having a universal health-care plan? Do the way things stand now with health care leave you satisfied?

Do you really believe that someone such as Senator Clinton running in a free election is the same thing as dictatorial nepotism?

Do you seriously think that a war which was based on proven lies, against a country with no connection to Osama Bin Laden (the one who set up the destruction of the World Trade Center, etc.), is one which must be "won" before we admit the error the whole world knows we made, and send our loved ones home?

Are you afraid of dialogues with leaders of countries with whom we disagree? And why do honest discussions equal "cozying up"?

I would like to hear WHY you disagree with these things. I'm sure you'll dig up lots of facts -- you're good at that. But I wonder whether you'll really address my direct questions, point by point.

Noam Ploomb
Ketchikan, AK

About: "I am a longtime supporter of our country's right to vote and to express our own opinions."

Received February 27, 2008 - Published February 27, 2008


Related Viewpoint:

letter Perfect Democrat VP Candidate Available! By Mark Neckameyer

Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:

letter Webmail Your Opinion Letter to the Editor



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska