SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Horrible Roads
By Jerilyn Lester


February 03, 2009
Tuesday PM

I would like to inform Ms. Lawrence that as soon as the city could move the snow they did. The EPA has told them they could not dump it into the bay because of the chemicals that are put onto the road. When they remove the snow this time should we suggest that they dump it into your yard? Or is there somewhere else that you would like it put? I don't want it in my yard, but I have to agree with Mr. Young that for you to complain is completely uncalled for.

The city who is trying to save lives, money and the road conditions are doing the best they can. If you don't want the bumpy roads stay off of them until the plow has been there. Those bumps are from people driving on the snow before it is plowed and turning it into compact snow which after being plowed turns to a lump of ice. So if that is your suggestion then practice the policy of not being on the road until after it is plowed and persuade the rest of your family and friends to do the same. Thanks Zak Young for coming to the city's rescue from this uncalled for complaint.

Jerilyn Lester
Ketchikan, AK

About: "25 year resident"

Received January 28, 2009 - Published February 03, 2009


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska