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Rasmuson Foundation now accepting
Distinguished Artist Award nominations


February 16, 2012
Thursday AM

(SitNews) - Do you know a distinguished Alaska artist who deserves to be recognized? Are you one? Rasmuson Foundation is now accepting nominations for its 2012 Distinguished Artist Award.

Rasmuson Foundation offers one $25,000 Distinguished Artist Award annually in recognition of creative excellence and superior accomplishments in the arts. The award is intended as a validation of the artist's creative output and contributions to the state of Alaska.

Anyone can nominate someone to receive the Distinguished Artist Award and an application package from the artist is not necessary to receive the award. Eligible artists have created an extensive independent body of work representing a life-long investigation and maturation of their personal creativity. They demonstrate a high aesthetic level of artistic ability with a strong consistency of expression over at least a 15-year professional arts career. Artists working in any artistic discipline are eligible for the award.

Past winners of the Distinguished Artist Award include Alaskan artists Ray Troll, Nathan Jackson and Delores Elizabeth Churchill of Ketchikan, Rie Munoz of Juneau, John Luther Adams and John Haines of Fairbanks, and Ron Senungetuk of Homer.

“The Distinguished Artist Awards are designed for artists who have made an impact in Alaska with their creative output,” said Jayson Smart, program officer for Rasmuson Foundation. “The award is our way of recognizing their contributions and supporting their future works.”

Rasmuson Foundation welcomes public nominations of artists who meet the Distinguished Artist Award criteria. Artists can also nominate themselves. Nominations can be submitted online or by mail, and forms are available at

The Distinguished Artist Award is part of the Rasmuson Foundation’s Individual Artist Awards program. Since 2004, the program has awarded 232 grants to Alaska artists totaling nearly $1.7 million.

The Individual Artist Awards program also awards project grants of up to $5,000 meant for artists with short-term project needs, and artist fellowship awards of up to $12,000 for mid-career and mature artists to advance their career.

Additional information is also available by calling 907-297-2700 or 877-366-2700 (toll free in Alaska), or by writing to Rasmuson Foundation, 301 W Northern Lights Boulevard, Suite 300, Anchorage, Alaska 99503.

Rasmuson Foundation was created in May 1955 by Jenny Rasmuson to honor her late husband, “E.A.” Rasmuson. The Foundation is a catalyst to promote a better life for all Alaskans.



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