By A.M. Johnson
February 05, 2013
In my hunble opinion for too long folks of this breed have reflect the socialist mentality as direct result of our public education institutes beginning in public funded primary grades continuing today,through out our public/private funded universities. I'd bet a plugged nickel neither of these two lads have every had to face hard times not of their making, other than summer jobs, having educated through a socilist based university education system, living in a dream world of utopia based on collectivism consepts. For some years SEACC have had the upper hand. Now, as the cold hard facts of reality that 50% of Americans and illegals rely on some sort of governmental subsidy, including quasi-government entities such as SEACC who as much as spit on exceptional individualism. These groups reflected by SEACC, advocate a socialist model of restrictive governmental controls designed to constrict natural common human survival pursuit of individual well being, through regulations, not legislation. It is becoming ovious to the productive work ethic citizens who are starting to react, such as yourself. I look forward in my remaining years God grants me, with satisfaction to the coming day that the restrictions created by these socialist based organizations are crushed with the steam rolling of a second industrial revolution. Oil drilling, mining, timber harvesting, electrical power generating by clean coal, atomic, natural gas,all carried by many to be built pipelines, increased rail construction, as example. Believe it Gene, the pressure for this is happening, you can see it in the working folks across this great country. You see it in the increased public outcry by the yet younger generation than Dave and James represent. The outcry against abortion is growing.The resistance to the socialistic medicalAct edict as cost and accompanying restrictions become apparent, The awareness of oppressive government intervention with miss-interpretation of the Grand U.S.Constitution's undeniable "Rights" from a power greater than government is becoming a discussion. The attack upon the 2nd amendment is not unlike the SEACC attack on the use of our "Natural" resources is front and center. The consequence of no work for the 50% still striving to live the American Dream is awaking. The increased awareness of the media being a willing tool of socialism, The constant attack on the positive of being all that you can be as a individual in control of your own destiny. SEACC mentality has made a career and social industry in attacking our individual choice of religion using nature as a substitute for a higher calling. You will see these attacks in the consequences of misguided regulations that are distend for reversal. Regulations these two individuals represent, that deny your grand children and my Great Grandchildren to make this a better world. If not the United States as the beacon of a "Free World" unfretted by slavery represented by emposed socialistic communal life, where is the world do the current empressed look for rescue. I submit that SEACC is a perfect symbol of what is becoming the ruination of this Greatest Country in the World as that symbol. Good times are a-coming Gene, You can see the signs in these two fellows chants of "chicken little". The current adminastration as well as Congress as a whole, is doing more to awaken the public than any in recent past. SEACC will be an early mark for this second industrial revolution. They are a-coming, Gene good times are a-coming. Give me any one private sector investor hiring hard working logger, maritime, truck driver, accountant, longshoreman, shipyard worker, electrical line man, restaurant waitress, any who are contributors to the welfare and success of the private sector over a thousand of these progressive nay Sayers proclaiming the sky is falling and the world is coming to an end if the earth is not established as the "holy grail and supreme to humans". Of course, in the end, these two would wish to be among the "Faithful" of earth worship survivors. Know that I am in your corner Gene, keep sniping at the rot in the basket of environmental apples. "The first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone" Regards. A.M.Johnson About: "Old Five and dime'er, burning beach wood and jigging for a cook fish. Love the crack of a rifle shot and the scream of a well tuned chainsaw. " Received February 02, 2013 - Published February 05, 2013 Related Viewpoints:
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