By Michael Mateer
February 12, 2013
Hagel's thesis on minimizing the U.S. nuclear arsenal was reiterated in a 2012 report he co-authored titled Global Zero: U.S. Nuclear Policy Commission. The report called for an 80-percent reduction in U.S. nuclear weapons to about 900, with only half of those being deployed. It further called for the eventual phasing out of short-range nuclear weapons and the elimination of ICBMs and B-52 bombers. The report was the initiative of the Global Zero advocacy group, which works for a nuclear-free world. Hagel co-authored the commission report with former U.S. diplomat Thomas Pickering, who reportedly previously held clandestine meetings with Hamas aiming to open U.S. dialogue with the terrorist group. Iran is arguably the largest state sponsor of terrorism. We all need to do our home work George Soros already has his own president why not his own defense secretary And how about the gold curtain with Arabic symbols that has replaced our flag for the presidential background when Obama addresses the nation Whos running the show He is not our first black president he is the first Arabic president like I said we need to take a good look at this dog and pony show. In the words of CICERO: AN ENEMY AT THE GATE IS OF LESS CONCERN FOR HE BEARS HIS COLORS OPENLY A TRAITOR FROM WITHIN WILL UNDERMINE THE VARY PILLARS OF SOCIETY. Michael Mateer
Received February 09, 2013 - Published February 12, 2013
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