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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Mountain Point Boat Launch
By John A. Beck


February 26, 2013
Tuesday PM

I read in the paper that the City of Ketchikan accepted ownership from the Sate for the property including the Mountain Point boat launch.

I use the Mountain Point boat launch on a regular basis and I am trying to figure out what the $300,000.00 dollar deferred maintenance is. I do have some ideas.

1.Dredge the area to allow a boats to launch at low tide. Needed? Yes.
2. Onsite boat backerupper. Needed? Some people really could use this.
3. Onsite boat and truck rinseroffer. I could use that for sure!
4. Onsite fish filleter and baggerupper? Now you are talking!
5. Onsite tellmewherethefisharebiting person? YEA!!!!
6. 6000 free Mountain point yearly launch Permits? I am first in line!!
7 ??????

Some of the above is not maintenance but I can still spend the money at Mountain point. I hope you see where I am coming from. I will be watching where the $300000.00 is spent. I do realize it is a pile of money to me but it won't go real far in the real world. I hope everyone will hold the City accountable and see that the $300K is at the least spent at Mountain Point Launch. I would like to see something.

Keep you eyes open for some GREAT improvements. If you don't see any WE should gang up and ask some questions.

John A. Beck
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Frequent user of Mountain Point boat launch."

Received February 23, 2013 - Published February 26, 2013





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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska