SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Rezone 14-001

By Ernest Hamilton


February 03, 2014
Monday PM

For the inquisitive in mind to consider and to those interested here are some facts concerning the request for rezoning and in rebuttal to the Ellis letter. If in fact the home was bought some 25 years ago then these people have been living with the continuous construction process while the now Copper Ridge was being developed.

If it were not for the ability of the contractor to sell and use the rock for the development we would not now have two established local companies who employ local people with the room to expand, or a radio station, or a library!

The Copper Ridge development required extensive blasting and earth work right on the edge of the valley. I doubt that the neighborhood has been free from the impact of construction.

The request for rezoning is further away from and is adjacent to a existing property that is already zoned heavy industrial on the one part the other part is requesting the same status that the now Copper Ridge has.

Now about the blasting efforts that have not gone well, it is my understanding that the company that did that blasting is no longer in business in this community. Is it Mr. Hamilton's fault that this happened? I ask if you hired someone to fix your roof and the first rain storm it leaked is it your fault?

I am in favor of the rezoning as the whole valley area is growing and developing, we have other community assets in the area like the indoor recreation area and the new swimming pool these also took time and impacted the community; it is in my opinion that this rezone will be good for the area in the future.

Ernest Hamilton
Ketchikan, Alaska

Case Number 14-001: The Rezoning of Residential land in town to Heavy Industrial and Unrestricted Commercial.

About: K High Graduate 1975
General Contractor
Worked on the Copper Ridge development.
Own Property in the valley (not that in discussion).

Received February 02, 2014 - Published February 03, 2014

Related Viewpoint:

letter Rezone of Quarry area case number 14-001 By Peter Ellis and Roz Ellis

letter The Rezoning of Residential land in town to Heavy Industrial and Unrestricted Commercial By Amanda Mitchell

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Ketchikan, Alaska