SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions


By Mamie Alexander


February 18, 2014
Tuesday PM

I am trying to find out how a private company can place equipment in a State Correctional Institution and charge people subscription fees to receive phone calls from inmates. This happened to me in the recent past. I was told the company had set up their equipment in the facility and in order to receive calls we had to subscribe to their services. I would like to know what has happened to this company, is it still there selling subscriptions and is this why the phones are blocked? Is it legal?

I am a licensed minister and a prison ministry volunteer for 27 years. I received a call today from an inmate in Lemon Creek who was trying to get in touch with his sister and the message said the phone was blocked. I talked to his sister and she has no idea why her phone would be blocked. A while back we had this same problem and was told about a company who had set up their equipment inside the facility. I thought it had to take it out and restore normal service.

Mamie Alexander
Anchorage, Alaska


Received February 12, 2014 - Published February 18, 2014



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska