SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Flora of Southeast Alaska class will be a “hybrid”


February 19, 2015
Thursday PM

(SitNews) - A new biology class by University of Alaska Southeast, Sitka Campus associate professor Kitty LaBounty will itself be a “hybrid”.

The DNA of most traditional botany classes is to gather students around a table of samples and look at them in a face to face classroom setting. By offering Flora of Southeast Alaska as both a local and distance class, students from anywhere can get up to speed on how to identify the common native trees, shrubs and herbs of southeast and south central Alaska. Local students can participate in the lectures on campus, while students across Alaska can see the imagery online and hear the lectures either live or via digital recording.

Flora of Southeast Alaska is a one credit 7-week workshop. The focus will be on identification of common species and attaining an understanding of their place in the ecosystem of Southeast Alaska. Students will discover how these plants interact with other plants and animals, and how humans use these plants for food, fuel, medicine, or simply enjoyment.

In addition to illustrated weekly lectures, there will be written exercises and “check for understanding” activities.

The class is available to any student without pre-requisites. It does not count as credit toward a biology major at UAS.

Professor LaBounty brings her lifelong passion as a gardener and scientist to this topic, along with more than 25 years experience working on plant identification for state, federal and non-profit agencies in Alaska.

The class will meet on Thursdays from March 5 to April 30 from 5:30-7pm -- with March 19th off for spring break. The cost is $187 for local students and $227 for eLearning (distance) students.

To register call 747-7700. or toll-free, 800-478-6653.

Edited by Mary Kauffman, SitNews


Source of News: 

University of Alaska Southeast – Sitka

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