IRS debacleBy Joe O'Hara February 04, 2015
It just isn't fair! We work hard for our money. But the government takes a portion and allocates it to programs we could never justify. These 'pork' programs are created by the government mostly to placate special interest groups at the expense of we taxpayers. For example, an entry in the recently published 2014 Wastebook, describes $392,000 for NASA to determine how humans will react when confronted by space aliens. What? Granted, $392 thousand isn't a lot of money by government standards, but when it's added to other 'pork' programs, their total is billions of dollars. Speaking of 'pork', consider the $265 billion it costs taxpayers to comply with unrealistic IRS tax regulations, or the $450 billion tax-gap - non-payment of taxes by some - we taxpayers must make-up for. But, by replacing the current IRS debacle with a consumption tax, such as the FAIRtax (FairTax.org), most of that waste will be eliminated, and - as an critical feature of a consumption tax - the troubled IRS will also be eliminated. The time is long past for our government to address the issues of wasteful spending and tax reform. FAIRtax provides a means to help accomplish both goals. Thank you, Joe O'Hara
Received February 03, 2015 - Published February 04, 2015 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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