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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

RE: Culprit of wealth division

By Stephen C. Eldridge


February 25, 2015
Wednesday PM

Paul Livingston starts off with a class warfare appeal, “The CULPRIT of wealth division is our federal tax code.” I see, in the besotted mind of a Socialist, the Tax Code CREATES “unfair” distribution of wealth TO the rich. Socialists have no concept initially that the wealthy EARN their wealth, legally. Socialists are blinded by their class hatred of the rich and thus cannot process the long known fact that the rich pay most all of the federal income tax, but that would not matter anyway because in their minds, the rich will NEVER pay their “Fair Share” of taxes, no matter how much they pay.

He goes on to provide the Socialist answer to this great “problem” of wealth inequality (actually, it is an inequality in emotional health) – i.e., the FairTax®. He thus offers it as a very Progressive/Socialist way to make our tax system even MORE progressive than it already is, because having the rich pay 90% of the total is STILL not enough for Socialists. At least he is in lock step with the AFFT propaganda – AFFT is engaged in a program to heavily market it to Democrats, stressing its PROGRESSIVE “merits” – see FT’s Progressive-Socialist Goals, in their own words at .

You would do well to read the expose of their propaganda on my website: . Start with a 2 page summary Letter to the Editor .

Stephen C. Eldridge
Cosby, TN


Received February 21, 2015 - Published February 25, 2015

Related Viewpoint:

letter Culprit of wealth division By Paul Livingston


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