Marijuana advisory boardBy Kenneth G. Reese February 23, 2016
The current legislation, to my understanding, has no legislator helping write the laws. It is the State Marijuana Advisory Board. Also it is mostly comprised on Colorado laws. After reviewing the current legislation, I have identified numerous potential problems with the current legislation, and after studying all the States' laws that currently have a legalized Marijuana industry, I have found some startling differences. I would also like to point out to my understanding the reason Oregon marijuana law did not pass the first time it was on the ballot is because the voters wanted the laws written in detail before they voted on it. Then what the State did was... had all State Reps and Senators start working on writing the new bill. They all came to a concrescence and legislated a bill that the voters would vote yes on. What I would like to see is an amendment to create a new marijuana advisory board totally separate from the ABC. Maybe appoint Bruce Schulte as the director. Then each Rep. and Senator appoint one person in the private sector in their district to the new board. There is no reason to hurry to reach set deadlines for applications. It is an optical illusion. The only people concerned about application deadline dates at present are the gold rush cowboys. The Cheechako's to the industry so to speak. In turn what is really best is to put this on hold for now. Review and reevaluate what the State is trying to accomplish. In closing, let's do the right thing for this State and all of its residents and become the industry leader for the rest of the States of this great country. Let us learn from history, not repeat it. The American people have spoken loud and clear the war on marijuana is over and this is forever. So I ask each and everyone of you to open your hearts and minds to this new change taking place in our great nation. This industry is not controlled by special interest. I would also like to mention a few quotes from people. "There is a certain price we pay to live in a Democracy. The price we pay is called......Tolerance"... Larry Flint. "A politician thinks of the next election. A Statesmen thinks of the next generation." "Those that sacrifice liberty for freedom, deserve neither."... Benjamin Franklin Let us all be Statesmen. Sincerely, Kenneth G. Reese About: Received February 16, 2016 - Published February 23, 2016
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