Last year this jackoff cost me an extra $2000 that I can specifically identify, but the hidden and/or unidentified costs were a lot more than that. A family of four or more has really been ripped off by this creep of a governor, and you so far want to impress us with the minor managerial put-on of saving paper clips, unnecessary magazine subscriptions, and turning off unused lights. A million dollars and counting problem is not solved by turning off the lights. There’s a road south of town called Tongass Highway that won’t exist along part of the way within the next several months. The roads in town are a godawful mess. What do you plan on doing about all of that? So the Borough is a million dollars broke and broken, and next year it will be even worse. There are no real proposals yet about how to solve this crisis. In the meantime Dawsonville has floated what…, something like $200 million in bond projects all to be paid for by fewer than 10,000 people, of whom about one in four actually work? Sure got a lot of hundred thousand dollar a year salaries out there to a bunch of government workers who produce absolutely nothing. In the meantime at the state level the raid on the Permanent Fund intensifies, the multi-national oil companies are getting filthy rich stealing our oil, and a state income tax as high as 15% is being proposed in your state legislature. No one is considering taxing the oil companies, and no one up there is in the least concerned about the $1 billion a year in credits the state is paying these thieving cruds. I see no functioning government at any level in this state. What I see instead is a kleptocracy managed by lunatics. The multi-nationals steal our oil, and we pay them for the privilege of doing it; then you seek to justify this crap at every level down the page by accepting that reality and in turn working overtime trying to stiff us. At this juncture I see no option but to get out of here as quickly as possible. If you are planning on financing all these one hundred thousand dollar a year salaries on my back, go to hell. Get serious or don’t even bother, Rodney. And tell your silent leather chair-bound friends try squeezing this tit any further, and they will find there ain’t no tit to squeeze. David G. Hanger Received February 13, 2017 - Published February 14, 2017
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