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Alaska House Passes Resolution on Proposed Plan for Offshore Lease Sales


February 23, 2018
Friday AM

(SitNews) Juneau, Alaska - Wednesday, the Alaska House of Representatives passed House Resolution 6, weighing in on the 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Draft Proposed Program. The current draft program calls for lease sales in 14 of the 15 planning areas in Alaska (there are a total of 26 planning areas across the country).

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“With this resolution, the Alaska House joins Alaska’s entire Congressional delegation, the Governor, and a number of tribes and other stakeholders who have requested that 11 of the 14 planning areas be removed from the draft proposed plan,” said Representative Geran Tarr (D-Anchorage)

Tarr said, “The Chukchi and Beaufort Seas planning areas have far and away the greatest estimated recoverable reserves for oil and gas, and while the Cook Inlet Planning Area has more modest potential, it is a critical source of affordable energy for Alaska’s most populous region. Lease sales in other areas are unlikely to attract significant interest, would create tremendous controversy, and would wastefully expend State and Federal money on lease sales which would not lead to development.”

HR 6 was successfully amended on the floor by Representative John Lincoln (D-Kotzebue) to further request that the existing deferrals in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas be continued in future lease sales.

“My district is home to the world’s most productive zinc mine, and one of the world’s preeminent oil fields,” said Rep. Lincoln “But we also rely on subsistence and have preserved our way of life by keeping it in the forefront of our minds whenever we pursue economic development. My amendment simply asks that we keep intact decades of work between industry and local communities identifying and protecting a crucial migratory corridor for Bowhead whales and two modest subsistence hunting areas adjacent to the whaling communities of Kaktovik and Utqiagvik.” 

Originally introduced by the House Rules committee, Speaker of the House Bryce Edgmon (D-Dillingham) was added as the resolution’s primary sponsor on the House floor at the request of Minority Whip Mike Chenault (R-Nikiski) so that other members could add their names as co-sponsors.

“I am grateful that the House was able to move quickly and show overwhelming support for both economic development and respect for all stakeholders in that development,” said Speaker Edgmon, “I appreciate the Administration giving us the opportunity to speak to this issue, and hope they heed the combined voices of our Federal delegation, Governor, and State House.”

House Resolution 6 passed with strong bipartisan support, by a vote of 33-5. The plan was to present the resolution to Senator Murkowski after she made her annual address to the Legislature yesterday, February 22nd.


On the Web:

House Resolution 6

Delegation Urges Interior to Keep Chukchi, Beaufort, and Cook Inlet in New Offshore Program
The Draft Proposed Program proposes 19 lease sales in Alaska’s OCS, including three sales in the Chukchi Sea, three sales in the Beaufort Sea, two sales in Cook Inlet, and one sale each in 11 other program areas. BOEM recently increased its estimate for the Beaufort Sea by 700 million barrels to a total of 8.9 billion barrels, while the Chukchi Sea is estimated to contain 15.4 billion barrels. 

Interior Announces Date for Largest Oil and Gas Lease Sale in U.S. History /interior-announces-date-largest-oil-and-gas-lease-sale-us-history


Editing by Mary Kauffman, SitNews


Source of News:

Alaska House Majority Coalition



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