Trump Is A National Security ThreatBy Donald MoskowitzFebruary 04, 2019
Recently Trump dismissed the input of his intelligence chiefs about the threats posed by Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and ISIS. Trump continues to question the assessment of our intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election. Trump is in an ongoing trade war with China which is adversely impacting the global and U.S. economies. He erroneously believes North Korea is not a nuclear threat to the U.S.. And he is pulling our military out of Syria, which will allow ISIS to reconstitute itself and allow Turkey to attack our allies, the Kurds. According to Rex Tillerson, former Secretary of State, Trump doesn't like to read. According to John Kelly, former Chief of Staff, Trump shows impulsive decision making. According to White House sources it is difficult for Trump to comprehend and process complex information, e.g. intelligence reports, military scenarios. He does not concentrate well on matters. He is a threat to our national security, and should be voted out of office. Donald Moskowitz Editor's Note:
Received February 04, 2019 - Published February 04, 2019 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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