Waiting for the shoe to dropBy A. M. Johnson
February 19, 2020
Far be from me to believe I am some soothsayer or star reader, yet one does wonder that there has been no inkling or whisper regarding the connection between Cruise ships, tax revenue, and the coronavirus. In my simple process of processing this equation, one has to consider all the segments in play. In reading through the many articles related, the theme echoes on the reduction of activity being undertaken in PLEASURE TRAVEL particularly related to the Cruise ships and the current confinement of passengers on specific vessels that frequent Ketchikan. One can anticipate both passenger count and tax receipts will reflect reality soon enough. Surely the local "Wizards of Smart" are on the case. I won't delve into the "What If's" related to the murid of possibilities and fears that boarding a vessel while claimed to be clean of Coronavirus, still- - - - - - Bluntly- the Johnsons are not much into any travel anytime soon!! Regards, A.M.Johnson
About Editor's Note:
Received February 18, 2020 - Published February 19, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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